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Static characters do not change throughout a story. These characters maintain the same personality, beliefs, and traits from the beginning to the end of the story. They often serve as a point of stability or contrast to the dynamic characters who experience growth or change.

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Q: Which characters do not change at all during a story?
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What is a static charater?

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This is called third-person omniscient point of view. The narrator has knowledge of the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story.

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Think about this for a minute and you can figure it out. Would you read all the way to the exciting part of a story without ever meeting the main characters? No way.

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all you have to beat story mode and after that you win 4 new characters.

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The narrator in this case is referred to as an omniscient narrator. This means they have complete knowledge about the thoughts, feelings, and actions of all characters in the story. This narrative style allows the reader to have a comprehensive understanding of the story and the characters' motivations.

What character is a character that changes throughout the story?

I think you are referring to a 'dynamic' character as opposed to a 'static' one. Dynamic characters grow and change as the story progresses whereas static characters are the ones that stay (sometimes stubbornly) constant. Main characters are often dynamic, especially when there is a lesson to be learned.

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finish all other characters story then you will unlock super sonics story.