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Q: Which choice best describes the sentence and explains how to improve itAfter taking tickets and helping the guests find their seats Sergio sat in the back and enjoyed the concert.?
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Related questions

Where are the verbs in this sentence they enjoyed the concert but it lasted too long?

Enjoyed and lasted are the verbs. 😊

Where are the verbs in the sentence they enjoyed the concert but it lasted long?

Enjoyed and lasted are the verbs. 😊

Any musical concert you enjoyed?

The music concert that I enjoyed most was the Hillsong Concert.

What is an example sentence of past tense enjoyed?

I enjoyed our conversation last night.

What is a sentence with renounced and enjoyed?

I enjoyed renouncing the book for the elementary kids today

Is the word that a noun?

"That" can either be a pronoun, as in "I can do better than that;" or it can be a definite article, as in "I enjoyed that concert."

Is the word enjoyed a noun?

No, the word 'enjoyed' is not a noun.The word enjoyed is the past tense of the verb to enjoy (enjoys, enjoying, enjoyed).The noun forms for the verb to enjoy are enjoyment and the gerund, enjoying.Example uses:Verb: We enjoyed the concert last night.Noun: Our vacation at the mountain retreat was pure enjoyment.

How do you put sumer in a sentence?

Example sentence - We enjoyed the summer in New England.

Is he a second person pronoun?

No, 'he' is a third person pronoun.The first person is the speaker: I enjoyed the concert.The second person is the one spoken to: You enjoyed the concert.The third person is the one spoken about, not involved in the dialog: He enjoyed the concert.

Use particular in a sentence?

Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre. I enjoyed the concert, particularly the second half. The movie was not particularly interesting. 'Did you enjoy the movie ?' 'No, not particularly.'

Is the word enjoyed a common noun?

No, the word 'enjoyed' is not a noun.The word enjoyed is the past tense of the verb to enjoy (enjoys, enjoying, enjoyed).The noun forms for the verb to enjoy are enjoyment and the gerund, enjoying.Example uses:Verb: We enjoyed the concert last night.Noun: Our vacation at the mountain retreat was pure enjoyment.

What is a sentence for the word Enjoy?

He enjoyed his soccer game.