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Q: Which civilisation used quipu as a method of caculating?
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Which civilization used a quipu as a method of calculation?


A quipu was used to?


Knotted colored string used for keeping records?

Quipus, also spelled khipus or quipu, are knotted cords used by the Inca civilization in South America as a method of record-keeping and communication. The position, color, and type of knots on the strings conveyed information such as numbers, dates, and events.

What did the Incas used for counting?

The invention is Quipu..

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Did the Inca use the Quipu?

the incas used the quipus to keep records

What did the Incas use mathematics for?

The Inca's used the quipu to record numbers since they didn't have a form of writing. The quipu is a system of strings and knots used to represent numbers so that the Inca's wouldn't have to write down anything.

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What does Inca Quipu mean or what is it?

A Inca Quipu is a string with many knots used to record information as there was no system of writing during the Inca empire. The strings were often colored to represent something.

How do scholars think the Inca used the quipu?

As a writing system to record information about the ruler

What was quipu used for?

* Quipu or Khipu were recording devices used in the Inca empire. It consisted of coloured spun and plied strings from Illa or Alpaca hair or cotton cords with numeric and values encoded by knots in a base 10 positional system.

What did the Incas use to keep record?

They used a group of knotted strings called a quipu. The varying knots in a quipu represented different place values, making it easy to count crops or populations or anything that could be numbered in this way.