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I do believe that it was the Plains Indians.

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Just about every ancient civilization used horses for transportation, hauling and in war.

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Q: Which civiliusation used a Travois attached to a horse to pull their belongings?
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Which civilization used a travois attached to a horse to pull their balongings?

the plains indians

What is the purpose of the travois?

Used to move goods over long distance when you had no wheels. The arrangement of wooden poles attached to the horse in the photo above is a travois. It drags on the ground, but is less work than carrying the load.

What is the purpose of a travois?

Used to move goods over long distance when you had no wheels. The arrangement of wooden poles attached to the horse in the photo above is a travois. It drags on the ground, but is less work than carrying the load.

What term is used for the sleds that plain Indians used?

I believe you are referring to the travois although sled is not really a good description of it. It was two long poles attached to a horse, or in some cases, dogs to carry mostly belongings, small children and/or elders . Hides were lashed normally to the poles.

How did travois help move goods?

The Travois could be loaded and then pulled by a dog or horse.

What is the H frame pulled behind a horse?

A travois.

What is the name of a stretcher that is dragged behind a horse in Western movies?

A travois.

What did the native Americans use for transportation at first they used dogs to pull it and later on horses?

Yes the nativeAmericans where the ones who used a Travis attached to a horse to pull their belongings.

What did Blackfoot Indians use for transportation?

Main Way Of Travel- The Blackfoot Indians started using dogs, then went to horses, and then went to snowmobiles. The wheel was not a part of the early Plains culture. Instead of wagons for transportation they used the travois. In the early times the dogs used to pull the travois. A dog could pull about eighty-eight pounds. Later they got horses to pull the travois.The travois was hitched to the horse by lashing it to the stoutly made woman's saddle. All the family belongings were strapped to the travois. Sometimes even young children got to ride on the travois.What They Were Built From- Two lodge poles were tied to a saddle in two bundles. The butt ends of the poles trailed on the ground behind the horses. The women's saddle had a wooden frame covered with wet rawhide. When it was dried and shrunk, the whole thing got rigid. The packing and transportation methods were so effective that the whole village could be on the trail in an hour's notice. The horses pulled the large travois while the dogs pulled smaller travois. There was a buffalo hide strapped in the middle of the poles to hold all the family possessions.How It Was Used For Hunting- The Blackfoot Indians used the horse and travois the most for hunting. The hunters would go out and shoot deer, elk, rabbits and grouse. Then they would lift them onto the travois which were dragged by the horse and taken back to their village. They used the horse to go hunt all the fast animals that couldn't be hunted on foot. If they shot a lot of animals they would get the dogs with the small travois to carry back the small animals like the rabbits and grouse. Then for the big animals, like deer and elk, they would use the horses with the big travois.

Was the Comanche tribe nomatic or sedentary?

The Comanche were nomads, living in tipis and moving from place to place on horse and travois.

What is plain Indians transportation?

The travois, which with the aquisition of the horse meant that complete villages could follow the bison herds.

What is the horse attached by when pulling a carridge?

The buggy horse is attached to a harness