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Q: Which class group in Athens was not allowed to vote but was free in the city-state of Athens?
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What political group was allowed to participate in ancient Athens Greece politics?

Find it in the book fooo !

Only citizens were allowed to vote in democratic Athens who made up this group of people?

Males over 18 who had proved their birth to their tribal council.

Which group of people were considered citizens in Athens Greece?

People who were born in Ancient Athens or have been there more than 5 years working and proving there citizenship.,not the metics or the slaves.Men were only allowed to vote or participate in democracy.Also Ancient Athens is the Birthpalce of Democracy.

What group Athens during the 600 BC's?


Is group and class the same thing?

Yes a group and a class are the same thing.

What group ruled Athens During the 600s BC?


What island were the Athens defeated on?

First of all athens is not a group of people athens is a city not a war whoever wrote this probably got confused with the trojans and the greeks and the romans.

What is a group of students working together?

What a Group of Students is CalledA group of students is called a class and is often referred to as (name of teacher)'s class to distinguish one class from another. However, the generalized term 'gaggle' is also applied to a group of students in the comic strip Piled Higher and Deeper by Jeorge Cham, PhD.

What is different between Athens and Sparta?

The difference between Athens and Sparta is:SParta is a oligarchy.Athens is a direct-democracyOne difference between the city-states of Athens in Sparta was that Sparta was ruled by a king while Athens was overseen by a democratically elected group.

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What was the composition of Athenian society in terms of percentage of residents by various social class?

Slaves, either captured or born into slavery made up 1 third of the population. The nobles and aristocracy made up the smallest but most powerful group in athens, howvere power was geared more towards the masses with the development of democracy in athens.