

Which class is used to define the controls in c sharp?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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.Ascx class file is used to define the controls in c#

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Q: Which class is used to define the controls in c sharp?
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Which class is used to define the controls in c?

In .NET, the class name is System.Windows.Forms.Control

What is class in c sharp?

A class contains methods that can be used in different programs and can be transfered and reused.

Why class is publicly define in c sharp?

If you want a class to be used by any other applications, it must be defined as "public". It is especially true for those "library" classes from Microsoft. Any C# application has at least 1 class to start with. That class does not need to be public, because it is yours only. (the default accessor is internal) However, if you want that class publicly available for other application, that class must be defined as public.

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You can determine the controls using a number of identifiers. The class of the control, the id or the name of the control can be used.

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Yes, you can declare and define the constructor within a class. A constructor is a special member function of a class that is automatically called when an object of the class is created. It is used to initialize the object's data members. The constructor can be declared and defined within the class definition or can be defined outside the class definition using the scope resolution operator (::).

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path is used to define where the system can find the executable files.Whereas Classpath is used to specify the location of class files

Can you define the constructor as private?

Yes, you can. Making a constructor private ensures that no other class can instantiate that class you just created with a private constructor. It is usually used in Singleton Patterns.

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The word "class" itself is used to define a group of things with common characteristics. Refer to this definition:

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How do you define a class in C?

class GraduatingClass {}The above class is the same as:internal class GraduatingClass {}A class has default access modifier of "internal" but most of the academic examples would show you a publicclass.To follow Object-Oriented encapsulation principle, every class should start with "internal", not public. If that class is only used / referenced by another class, perhaps it can be a private class of that one.

What does it mean in java when a constructor is undefined?

When a constructor is not define in java then the instance used in class is not optimised the value and therefore some times it generates some garbage value. By the way , When we not define a constructor then generally it not distrub the execution of the program.