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The Bushido code was a set of ethical principles followed by the samurai that emphasized loyalty to their daimyo (feudal lord) above all else. This code governed the behavior and mindset of samurai warriors, who were expected to serve their daimyo faithfully and to prioritize their lord's needs and wishes over their own personal interests. Adherence to the Bushido code was seen as a way for samurai to demonstrate their honor, courage, and commitment to their feudal obligations.

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Q: Which code instructed loyalty of samurai to their daimyo?
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What statement accurately describes the relationship of a samurai to a daimyo?

A samurai served a daimyo as a vassal in feudal Japan. The samurai pledged loyalty and military service in exchange for protection, land, and financial support from the daimyo. The samurai's code of honor, bushido, guided their behavior and allegiance to their lord.

Why was it important for a knight to follow a strict set of laws?

Knights followed a strict code of chivalry to uphold honor, loyalty, and fairness in their actions. Adhering to this code of conduct helped establish trust and maintain order in society, as knights were seen as defenders of justice and protectors of the weak. Failure to follow these laws could lead to dishonor and loss of respect among their peers.

When the laws of the Byzantine legal system were rewritten, they were called?

The laws of the Byzantine legal system were rewritten under the Emperor Justinian I and the reformed code was called the "Codex Justinianus." It was one of the four parts of the Corpus Juris Civilis, a comprehensive compilation of Roman laws.

What was napoleon law called?

Napoleon's law code was called the Napoleonic Code or the Civil Code of 1804. It was a French civil code that served as the foundation for many legal systems in Europe and beyond.

Which Indian state follow a common civil code?

Goa is the only Indian state that follows a common civil code, known as the Goa Civil Code. This code applies to all residents of Goa, regardless of their religion.

Related questions

What statement accurately describes the relationship of a samurai to a daimyo?

A samurai served a daimyo as a vassal in feudal Japan. The samurai pledged loyalty and military service in exchange for protection, land, and financial support from the daimyo. The samurai's code of honor, bushido, guided their behavior and allegiance to their lord.

True or false knights had to swear vows of loyalty to their lord while samurai did not?

False. Both knights in medieval Europe and samurai in feudal Japan were required to swear vows of loyalty to their lord or daimyo. Loyalty was a core aspect of their code of conduct and honor.

What did Bushido require of a samurai?

From Bushido: The code of conduct followed by Japan's samurai warriors. The principles of bushido emphasized honor, courage, and loyalty to a warrior's master above all else. The ideal samurai warrior was supposed to be immune from the fear of death. Only the fear of dishonor, and loyalty to his daimyo, motivated the true samurai.

What is the English word of samurai?

soldier of noble birth who followed the code of bushido and served a daimyo.

How was the code of conduct relate to samurai value and tradition?

It is related because samurai value honor and loyalty most of all.

What is the relationship between the ninja and the samurai?

They were the most powerful feudal lords in Feudal Japan right after the Shogun.

Why did samurai commit suicide?

the samurai fought to protect the daimyo (feudal ruler of their land). they were military force. they were born into samurai clans and trained from a very young age. there were, however, rogue samurai that weren't in the army but still could be very lethal. unless you were in the military, though, you weren't technically a samurai.

Why do samurai have to serve their master?

Samurai were expected to serve their master as a form of loyalty and duty known as "bushido." This code of honor and ethics was deeply ingrained in samurai culture and emphasized the importance of serving one's lord with unwavering loyalty and obedience. Failing to do so would bring dishonor and shame to both the samurai and their family.

What is the meaning of Gishi?

"Gishi" is a Japanese term that refers to a samurai or warrior who adheres strictly to their code of ethics or loyalty, even in the face of adversity or sacrifice. The term is often associated with stories of loyalty and honor among samurai in feudal Japan.

Why do you think the values of the samurai code continue to appeal to Many Japaneses today?

loyalty, honor, dedication, and discipline

What are three principles of the samurai?

Three principles of the samurai are loyalty to one's master, self-discipline, and the pursuit of excellence in all endeavors. These principles guided the behavior and code of conduct of the samurai warriors in feudal Japan.

What was the code of daily behavior that samurai had to follow?

Samurai followed bushido (the way of the warrior), the seven virtues of bushido are Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honour and Loyalty