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The codon AUG signals the start of translation as well as codes for the amino acid methionine.

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1d ago

The start codon for translation is AUG, which codes for the amino acid methionine. It signals the ribosome to start protein synthesis.

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What is a shifted frequency?

A shifted frequency refers to a change in the frequency of a signal, either increasing or decreasing its value. This change can result from modulation, mixing, or other signal processing techniques, leading to a new frequency offset from the original one. Shifted frequencies are commonly used in communication systems to carry information or for frequency translation purposes.

What what purposes do frequency translation served in communication?

Frequency translation in communication allows for tasks such as frequency shifting, filtering, and mixing signals to reduce interference, facilitate signal processing, and enable compatibility between different systems. It also helps in converting signals to different frequencies for transmission and reception in radio communication systems. Additionally, frequency translation enables frequency synthesis, allowing for the generation of stable and accurate frequencies for various communication applications.

Which signal is multidimensional signal with respect to both independent and dependent variables?

Image signal is a multidimensional signal with respect to both independent (spatial) and dependent (intensity) variables.

What is a sentence using signal mirror?

I hear a helicopter; grab my signal mirror! I am looking for the signal mirror now.

What is the amplitude of the sinusoid given by?

To determine the amplitude of a sinusoidal signal, we look at the peak value of the signal function. The amplitude is the half of the peak-to-peak value of the signal, or the absolute value of the maximum value of the signal.

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Describe the difference between a termination signal and a stop codon?

Termination signal is at the end of the part of the chromosome being transcribed during transcription of mRNA. While in a stop codon, also called termination codon, is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation.

What name is assigned to augwhich stands for methionine in which all mRNA molecules start?

The start codon. The codon AUG is generally referred as the start codon because the translation of mRNA begins on AUG.

What happens at a start codon?

A start codon signals the start of translation

Each codon calls for a specific?

amino acid

Which process stops when a ribosome reaches a stop codon?

When a ribsome reaches a stop codon, the translation process stops and a protein is released.

What is a ''codon''?

A three-nucleotide sequence in mRNA that specifies a particular amino acid or polypeptide termination signal; basic unit of the genetic code. In translation, an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary tRNA anti-codon.

What ends translation in DNA?

a stop codon or anti-codon (same thing)

During translation a messenger rna codon is paired with?

During translation, a messenger RNA (mRNA) codon is paired with a transfer RNA (tRNA) anticodon through complementary base pairing. This process ensures that the correct amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain.

How does the termination of translation occur?

The termination of protein translation is caused by termination codon. Termination happens when a stop codon is reached, there is no amino acid to be incorporated and the entire assembly releases the newly synthesized polypeptide.

Translation is initiated at which codon sequence?


Does translation always begin with a AUG codon?

No, sometimes alternate translation starts at GUG.

How is translation in biology similar to language translation?

Information from the nucleotides is translated to information in amino acids through a process of translation. Three nucleotides together form what is called a 'codon'. Each codon (set of three nucleotides in sequence)codes for one amino acid. There are three codons that also code for the 'stop' signal that indicates where the translation should stop. There is also one 'start' codon that indicates where the translation should start.