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This is a poorly formed question. I am no expert, but as I understand it, espresso (misspelled in the question) refers to a brewing process, and Italian roast refers to a roasting process. So it's possible to use an Italian roast coffee in both drip or espresso coffee, and it's possible to make espresso using lighter roasts. The lighter the roast, the higher the caffeine content in the beans. Intuitively, this makes sense:roasting burns off the caffeine. This may be somewhat offset by the fact that a darker roasted bean gives up its caffeine more readily in the brewing process. Like I said, I am no expert. Many coffee vendors produce a variety called "Italian roast" and also a variety called "Espresso" or "Espresso Roast." These are marketing terms, and it's the vendor's choice which is roasted longer. An interesting, and related question is "which has more caffeine: espresso or drip coffee?" For the identical amount, variety, and roast of coffee bean, the answer is drip coffee. It's in contact with the beans far longer, so it leaches out more of the caffeine. For one Starbuck's espresso shot vs. a 5 oz. serving of Starbuck's house blend, it's probably about 80 to 100 mg. caffeine for the former, and 115 to 125 mg. for the latter. Remember, though, that people order a Tall (12 oz.) or even Venti (20 oz.) at The Buck, and typically get 2 or 3 espresso shots in their lattes. So it's almost certain that the drip coffee has more caffeine. I have also heard rumors that they have different half lives; that is, an espresso shot will hype you up faster but leave your system faster. I have no idea if it's true. Hope this helps, --A coffee drinker

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Q: Which coffee has more caffeine-espresso or Italian roast?
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Yes, if by extra bold you mean dark roast. Caffeine is destroyed by heat, so the longer roasting reduces the caffeine content of dark roast coffee (contrary to popular opinion which thinks of dark roast coffee as "stronger" somehow). By the way, the darker roast also burns off many of the subtle flavors in good coffees, which is why a lot of mass-market coffee shops over -roast their coffee, to disguise the poor quality of the beans they are using. Ergo, dark roast coffee means less caffeine, less coffee flavor (but more of that delicious charcoal flavor) and thinner body.

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Because the caffeine is lost during the brewing process. But also during the brewing process, mass of the coffee bean (coffee seed to be technical about it) is reduced. So if you brew it by WEIGHT and have equal mass, the result will be MORE caffeine in the dark roast but if you brew it by quantity in the scoop, it will have less.

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First of all there are two different colors of unroasted coffee beans. There are green coffee beans and there are arabica beans. While arabica type beans are much more popularly sold in stores. This is because arabica coffee is cheaper to produce. When judging a coffee by it's color in terms of roasting there are many different options and flavors. There are light roast, medium roast, full roast, or double roast. The color of these beans get darker the more they are roasted. Medium roast coffees have the most balanced flavors than the lighter or darker roasts so these would typically be more appealing in taste.

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Blended coffee is 2 or more coffee varieties blended together. You can blend coffees from the same region, or coffees from entirely different growing regions. Coffee can be blended Pre-Roast, meaning the beans are blended and then roasted, or Post-Roast, meaning the coffee is roasted then blended. Pre-Roast blends would all have roughly the same roast profile while blending Post-Roast allows you to mix light and dark roasts or even similar roasts with vastly different flavors in the same blend. When coffee is not combined in a "blend" it is called Single Origin.

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A pound is 16 ounces so the two coffees weigh the same

What is 'iced coffee' when translated from English to Italian?

caffè ghiacciato is the translation in Italian Language. It is the fifth most taught language. It has more than 65 million native speakers.

Is a piece of coffee valve necessary to install into the coffee package?

A piece of coffee valve can keep your bag of coffee fresh. 1.The coffee ban after roasting,they will realse more and more co2 .If your coffee bag without the coffee valve init,the co2 would not be relese outside the package,and they will full of your coffee bag.While the co2 full of all your coffee bag,the coffee bag will brust.So,it will waste a bag of coffee. 2.If the co2 not enough to brust your coffee bag,and it also will in your coffee bag,that will make the coffee bean oxdite .It not only will make the coffee bean bag very soon,but also can not keep the coffee fresh and aroma. You can not taste the original aroma after the roster roast the coffee bean.

How much coffee beans does one coffee cup need to be prepared And what is its caffeine content?

This question is inherently too vauge to be answered. Different coffees, different roasts, different preparations are all variables to this question. Will you be making: * Drip coffee * Espresso * French Press * Turkish * Percolator * etc... Do you like your coffee strong or weak? What roast are you using? Caffeine content is strongly dependent on roast and bean preparation. Check out the Coffee Geek website and other coffee related sites for more information. Also try a French Press for a different experience from drip coffee or espresso. Some hot water, coffee and a French Press and wallah, you are stylin like Will Smith in "Hitch".

How much is a pound of coffee at Dunkin Donuts?

Depends on the kind of roast and the species of coffee that are used in your bag of coffee beans. Arabica beans tend to be on the "pricier" end because they're much more difficult to grow but taste better (comparatively) than robusta, which is typically inexpensive, and are available in instant coffee or in specific brands in certain areas of the world that are known to grow them (i.e. Vietnamese coffee)

What is regular coffee?

By regular coffee I assume you mean Arabica coffee, brewed using espresso methods? Robusta, on the other hand, is poor quality coffee.. made for instant coffee. Robusta coffee plants can be harvest several times a year and they can be grown at lower altitudes, making it easier to produce Robusta beans. Arabica coffee, much higher quality, can only be harvested once or twice a year and is grown at great altitudes. Arabica coffee is what most cafes would use Roasting methods differ, the lighter the roast the more caffeine and the milder the flavour. The Darker the roast the less caffeine but the stronger the flavour. Espresso coffee consists of espresso shots (30ml) and milk or water to preference. Espresso is very hot water dripping through a filtered basket filled with coffee, this method requires the water to run through the coffee at an even pace, distributing evenly throughout the coffee. When done correctly an Espresso coffee should extract between 23-27 seconds and leave a nice layer of crema (hazel/golden foam) on top. There is a great deal more to say on coffee. So much so that I could have you reading for hours. This question was not entirely specific but I hope I helped

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In Starbucks, a cappuccino is espresso with half steamed milk and half foam. For wet cappuccinos, its more milk and dry cappuccinos have more foam.Cappuccino is an Italian coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and milk foam.

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You can fry chestnuts, but it is more popular to roast them. And of course its because they taste better when you do!But it is way healthier if you roast them.