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southern colonies southern colonies

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Q: Which colonial group tended to be the most flagrant violators of the Navigation Acts?
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What did a colonial dentist do?

they tended for the colonists teeth. that's exactly what dentists do today.

In which colonial region tended to wear out the soil and create demand for additional farmland to the west?


Farming in which colonial region tended to wear out the soil and created demand for additional farmland to the west?


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What were homes like in colonial America?

The architecture in colonial America varied somewhat from place to place, and changed as time passed. The first houses tended to be small and were built with timber and thatched roofs.

Generally speaking depictions of setting in post colonial stories written by native writers tended to be than those written by European writers?

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What was the navigation act of 1663?

1) Improving laws- This imposed higher taxes and restrictions on the trade of the English colonies, some authorized trade that they had previously prohibited. 2) Act of Union with Scotland- Allowed Scotland the same priveledge as England and Whales. Exported horses and victuales and Irish linens. 3)Molasses act 1733- Levied heavy duties ion the trade of sugar from Frnch West Indies to American colonies forced colonists to buy the more expensive sugear from British west indies instead.

What was the distribution of wealth in colonial Maryland?

In the English American colonies, the white southern planters were the wealthiest. Their wealth was double that of the Northern colonies. They tended to own more land and have slaves. The Northern landowners were far from poor, however, and the standard of living and average wealth per person in the colonies eclipsed that of their British counterparts. The disparity of wealth was in terms of land. Landowners tended to be wealthy, whereas the landless, who were usually poor farmers, indentured servants or slaves, were at the bottom of the colonial hierarchy.

What role did men play in the Georgia Colony?

In colonial Georgia, men played many roles. They were the breadwinners of the family. They farmed the land, took care of repairs, tended to the farm animals and protected their families.

Supporters tended to be in the northeast?

Federalist supporters tended to be in the Northeast.

Egyptian gods tended to be portrayed in form while Greek gods tended to appear in form?

Egyptian gods tended to be portrayed in animal form while Greek gods tended to appear in human form.

How can i put tended in a sentence?

The nurse tended to the patient while the doctor was studying the patients x-ray exam. The kid tended to be a problem in class.