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Q: Which color eyes do more humans have?
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What color eyes to cats have?

They are the same colour colour as humans eyes!

What color eyes do sloths have?

Like humans, it varies.

What is the difference between a dog eye and a human eye?

I think that the difference between human eyes & dog eyes is that all dogs are color blind but not all humans are color blind. We can see in color as dogs cannot.Yes this is the maindifference but I would like two point out that through dogs are color blind that they do indeedsee in color but they are missing a type of cone that humans have and they have way less. Dogs have a lot more rods then humans.

Why do dog see in color?

They don't see in color, and that is because their eyes aren't as developed as humans'.

How do you have one eye one color and the other eye another color?

Most humans will have colored eyes, the exception is albinos. Therefore the fact that two humans are twins will not stop them having colored eyes.

When do vampires eyes change colors?

vampires eyes change color when they are either a newborn or when they had drank a humans blood

Does a vampires eyes have to be red to bite a human or no?

No, a vampire's eyes do not have to be red to bite a human. The color of a vampire's eyes may vary depending on the lore or story, but it is not a requirement for them to feed on humans.

How are black and white spots of birds described?

All animals with eyes, including humans can see "black and white," or more specifically "light and dark." Birds can also see color. Birds have four types of color receptors in their eyes (humans have three) and can not only see all the colors we can see - they can see more, including partway into the ultra-violet range of the spectrum.

What color are your eyes if they are brown and green would they be more green?

it would be hazel i believe my mom has that color of eyes and she says that it is hazel

Can humans think in color?

Yes, humans can think in color. It is actually better when you think in color because you can remember things more easily.

What color is Ryan Ochoa's eyes?

his eyes are like a blue hazel green color ...his eyes are very more like a blue hazel

Why the Gerbils is Different color?

Same reason humans have diff. colours of skin, eyes, and hair, pigmentation.