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You need to be more specific. There are dozens (hundreds?) of scripting languages out there.

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Q: Which command is used to pause the execution of the script for a specified amount of time?
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Is mdelet a valid script command?

mdelete is a command to delete files over FTP. Whether or not it's a valid script command would depend on the scripting language.

What does sys.argv do on python?

sys.argv is a way to access command line arguments in Python. sys.argv is an array of all the command line parameters, where the first value is the name of the file being run. For example, let's say you have a python script named that looks like this: import sys print(sys.argv) This script will simply print the command line parameters in an array. If, for example, you run the script from a command line as python param1 param2 the output will be ['', 'param1', 'param2']

How does batch file work?

batch files are used to make long tasks shorter. for example, If I wanted to change the file extension of every file in the folder EXAMPLEFOLDER from .txt to .doc, I could make a batch file that did that instantly, rather than going into the properties of every file and changing the extension manually

What is the Difference between c and shell program execution?

The shell interprets the script, while the C-compiler generates a binary executable.

What data type does the main function return in c?

The main function must return the int data type. A program that terminates normally should return the value zero to indicate no error. Not all execution environments make use of the return value (Windows in particular), however a command script or batch file can examine the ERRORLEVEL if required.

Related questions

Is mdelet a valid script command?

mdelete is a command to delete files over FTP. Whether or not it's a valid script command would depend on the scripting language.

How can you increase the execution time of php script?

You can use the set_time_limit function to increase the execution time of a php script. Example: set_time_limit(120); // Sets the time limit to 2 minutes

Why awk -f command is used?

The awk programming/scripting language is used to pattern match text and then do something with the result. Using the -f option indicates that the awk program/script has been stored in an external file instead of being specified inline with the command.

How do you insert admin command script on roblox?

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When a script file contains more than one command what each command must end with?

In general each command in a script file is on a separate line, so it is terminated with a line terminator character (put it automatically when you press the Enter key). Unlike some programming languages, a script file does not need a special terminator for the end of the line.

What is the Purpose of exit command in Shell of Unix?

The 'exit' command allows you to stop a running shell script at any point and to return a "status" value back to whomever called the shell script. This is a very common practice with shell scripts; sometimes you want to stop the script before it gets to the end of the shell script (for various logic reasons). The 'exit' command also allows you to give a status that any other calling process can use to determine if the shell script ended successfully or not.

What command do you use to display a message in java script?

document.write("hello world")

Why use awk -v command?

This is used when you want to give a variable in an awk script a value before the script starts executing, even before the BEGIN block. You would do this on the command line if the variable needs different values for different executions rather than hardcoding it in the awk script itself.

Where is the command bar located on Roblox Studio?

It shousuvl \

What is the command to execute a shell script?

If the shell script is readable and executable then to execute it just type the name of the shell script file. Otherwise, you can explicity call a shell interpreter to run the file as a shell script, i.e., ksh myfile

What line is necessary at the beginning of a script to tell the OS what to use to run the script?

The special line at the beginning of the script is only necessary if you want the script to be run by a certain command interpreter that is different from your logon shell or because you don't know what environment the user of the shell might be running in. It is a special comment line that looks like: #!/command-name such as: #!/usr/bin/ksh which causes the ksh interpreter to be used for the rest of the shell script.

How do you write a shell script which counts the last 10 lines present in a given file?

You don't need a shell script to do this - just use the 'tail' command.