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Q: Which communist group attempted to seize power in 1919?
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Ambitious aristocrats attempted to seize power.

When did communist seize Russia?

October Revolution 1917, Palace Revolution.

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In September 1917

How were the Bolsheviks able to seize power from the proviaional government?

The Bolsheviks did not seize power during the Russian Civil War. They had already seized governmental power from the Provisional Government in 1917. The civil war is generally figured to have started in 1918. The Bolsheviks managed to retain their power, not seize it, by winning the civil war.

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What means to take control over?

To adopt, Seize power, or invade.<(-_-)>

In which country did Reza Shah seize power in 1925?



A revolt designed to overthrow an existing government and seize power

What does to seize power illegally mean?

Usually (but not necessarily) by force. But in any event, not by statutorily legal lines of succession.