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Q: Which compass point is opposite south south west?
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What compass point is opposite north -north -west?

South - South - East

Which point of the compass is directly opposite north west?


What is the direction opposite west?

South and east

What is a 8-point compass?

A 16 point compass is a compass with 16 points, it doesn't have a official name. The points/directions in Right-To-Left order is North (N), North-North-East (NNE), East-North-East (ENE), East (E), East-South-East (ESE), South-East (SE), South-South-East (SSE), South (S), South-South-West (SSW), South-West (SW), West-South-West (WSW), West (W), West-North-West (WNW), North-West (NW) and North-North-West (NNW).

What is cardinal compass point?

North,South, East and West

What is the four main point on a compass called?

North, South, East, and West

Determine the direction in which a compass needle will point when held above a wire with positive charges moving west?

The compass needle will point north-south.

What is a compass north south east and west?

It is called a mariners compass, it is a instrument that shows the North, east, West and South, and is used by pilots and the sailors.

What are the points of the compass rose?

An 8-point compass rose indicates the directions: * north * south * east * west * northeast * northwest * southeast * southwest

What are the eight points of a compass rose?

The 16 directions on a compass rose are: * North * South * East * West * Northeast * Northwest * Southeast * Southwest * North Northeast * East Northeast * North Northwest * West Northwest * South Southeast * East southeast * South Southwest * West Southwest.

What is the compass directions from Kenya?


What is the difference between a compass and a compass rose?

a compass uses magnets to point north, whereas a compass rose is used on a map to direct north, south, east, and west. to my knowledge a compass rose is only used on a map.