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Q: Which condition is characterized by multiple cognitive defects including memory impairment?
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Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that causes a range of developmental problems including learning disabilities and cognitive impairment. Usually, males are more severely affected by this disorder than females. Affected individuals usually have delayed development of speech and language by age 2.

What is The FOX Syndrome?

The FOX syndrome, also known as Fragile X syndrome, is a genetic condition that causes a range of developmental problems including learning disabilities and cognitive impairment. It is caused by a mutation on the X chromosome and is more common in males than females. Symptoms may vary in severity and can include social and behavioral challenges.

What are three symptoms of neurological conditions?

Symptoms can be classified into three basic groups: > Physical - involuntary, jerky movements or 'chorea', abnormal gait, bradykinesia, hyperflexia, abnormal eye movements, dysarthria and dysphasia > Cognitive - impairment including disturbances in verbal fluency, cognitive speed, the retrieval of memories, ability to persist at a task or change cognitive sets, therefore causing difficulties with judgment, planning, problem solving and eventually dementia > Emotional - including personality changes such as impulsiveness, perseveration, disinhibition, depression, mood swings and aggression

What does cognitive losses mean?

This means that someone has decreased brain function. Basically, cognitive means anything that the brain controls including memory, understanding language, thinking, etc.

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Jennifer Lee Mandzia has written historical fiction novels, including "Grace Among the Leavings" and "Cage the Darlings." Her writing often explores themes of family, relationships, and the impact of historical events on individuals.

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Cognitive symptom

Where can one learn about cognitive psychology?

One can get an introduction to cognitive psychology on Wikipedia. They have much information including a definition, it's history and applications. One can also find information on the website 'Simply Psychology'.

What is Cognitive Studies?

Cognitive science is the study of thought and mind. It seeks to explain, for example, how we perceive, remember, learn, pay attention, reason, decide, use language and solve problems. Cognitive science is interdisciplinary, including philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.

Diagnosing Dementia?

The symptoms of someone with dementia include complications with several areas of cognitive function, including: memory, language, perception, personality or emotional behavior and mental skills such as abstract thinking, judgment or calculation. One of the first signs of dementia is forgetfulness. Mild cognitive impairment, MCI, is the phase between normal forgetfulness that can be attributed to a person's aging and the onset of dementia. Those with MCI have mild problems with memory and thinking that don't hinder any of their everyday activities, and in most cases they are perfectly aware of their forgetfulness. Not everyone who has MCI will be diagnosed with dementia.

Does serotonin cause you to be tired?

seratonin has various functions, including the regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and some cognitive functions including memory and learning (Wikipedia is the source)

Getting Help for Depression?

Depression is a fairly common, but serious illness. If this condition is left untreated, it can predispose a person to a number of other health problems. The key to overcoming depression is to seek help early on. There are a number of treatment options available including counseling, medication and cognitive-behavior therapy.

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