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Q: Which condition is most favorable for the cell if the solution is 0 Na Cl 0.5 Na Cl 0.9 Na Cl and 2 Na Cl and why?
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What is condition of a cell in which cell contents are shrunken called?

If the cell loses most of its water by osmosis when put in a hypertonic solution, it becomes crenated or shriveled with spiked edges. Crenation.

What does it mean to be the most favorable?

By definition, favorable is: expressing approval, giving consent, helpful, encouraging, advantageous. To be the most favorable would then mean the most approving, helpful, encouraging (& so on). Example: "a most favorable wind", "I've just received the most favorable answer".

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The solute will eventually fall out of a supersaturated solution

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Temerature ..... under conditions of sufficient moisture , oxygen and proper temperature seeds germinate.

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How do cells react in hypotonic solution?

Hypertonic solution: highly concentrated, therefore water exits the cell, attracted to the solution. Cell ends up deflated-looking.Hypotonic solution: not very concentrated, therefore water enters cell, attracted to the solution inside the cell. Cell ends up looking like it's going to burst (and actually can burst).

What is done to a cell that is placed in a hypo tonic solution?

It will probably burst.A hypo-tonic solution means that there is less dissolved solute in the solution than there is in the cell, and a greater concentration of the solution (ie water).Since there's a greater concentration of water outside the cell, osmosis will cause a net movement of water into the cell, causing it to swell and most-likely burst.

What will most occur when a cell is place into a saline solution that has a highersalt concentration than inside the cell?

water rushes into it by osmosis

What happens to a animal cell when placed in an hypertonic solution?

In a hypertonic solution water is most likely to move out of the cell because it is in a high concentration and the cell will shrink. They tend to give up water across the permiable cell membrane

What will most likely occur when a cell is placed into a saline solution that has a higher salt concentration than the cell?

Water will flow out of the cell and the cell will shrivel in a process called crenation.

Who was the Treaty of Paris most favorable to?

The Treaty of Paris is more favorable to the United States.

What is a seven letter word that means most favorable?

A seven letter word that means most favorable is favorite.