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Q: Which condition occurs when a person urinates involuntarily?
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Can you commit someone involuntarily in the state of nh?

In order to have someone committed involuntarily, they must be a proven danger, either to themselves or to another person. If a person attempts suicide, they can be committed involuntarily. If they attack another person, they can be committed involuntarily. If they are demented or psychotic and not able to respond to the doctor, they can be involuntarily committed.

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Can you commit someone involuntarily in the state of Iowa?

Yes a person can be committed to a mental hospital involuntarily in the state of Iowa. The court must find that the person poses a emotional and physical threat to themselves or others.

What is the condition known as phantom limb?

It occurs when a person feels pin in a limb that has been amputated.

What condition occurs when a person's cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21?

down syndrome !! hope this helps

What is a bedwetter?

A bedwetter is a pejorative term for a person who habitually urinates in his or her own bed while sleeping.

Why would a person may shiver?

Muscle contract and expand involuntarily to produce heat

Why would a doctor discharge a mentally unstable person who is 61 and lives alone?

Unless a person is a danger to self or to others, doctors cannot involuntarily keep a person in a hospital.

What are the white clots passed in urine?

you are not suppose to have any. see a doctor ASAP! when a person urinates and there are white substances inside of the urine what are they?

Whats a golden shower?

Where a male or female urinate on their partner during sex.

How is Hartnup disease contracted?

The condition is passed on genetically in families. It occurs when a person inherits two recessive genes for the disease, one from each parent

What is the meaning of the album 5150?

In California, Section 5150 allows a qualified person to involuntarily confine a person to a psychiatric facility if they are a danger to themselves/others and/or gravely disabled.