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gastroesophageal reflux disease

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Q: Which condition occurs when the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is weak or relaxes inapropriately?
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What happens to the cardiac sphincter when pregnant?

It relaxes because of the hormone progesterone allowing food to come back to the esophagus.

Do sheep have a cardiac sphincter?

Yes, they would have to, otherwise the digesta from the rumen and reticulum would be free come up if the stomach compartments get quite full. It is found at the junction between the esophagus and the ruminal/reticular junction. When a bolus of cud is to be regurgitated, the sphincter muscle relaxes and allows the cud to come up to be chewed, and relaxes again to allow the rechewed bolus to be returned to the rumen. Cardiac sphincters are also found between most of the chambers in the ruminant animal for the same reason as stated above. Check out the three sources below for further information and pictures for proof:

When the cardiac sphincter relaxes food enters the?

The cardiac sphincter or aka GE junction contracts at the distal end of the esophagus. So food enters into the stomach when the cardiac sphincter is relaxed.

Is relaxes a verb?

Relaxes is a verb; the third person singular of the verb to relax (relaxes, relaxing, relaxed).

The body naturally relaxes between 12 48 AM and 4 56 AM this is referred to as our?

That is called sleep.

What mechanisms prevent gastric reflux into the esophagus when lying down or bending over?

Gastro oesophageal reflux is a condition where the acidic content of the stomach regurgitates back into the oesophagus. The distal oesophageal mucosa is non glandular in type (it is squamous epithelium), therefore, it can easily be damaged by chronic acid reflux.To prevent this, there are several mechanisms in place:The lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) is tonically active but relaxes on swallowing. The tonic activity of the LOS between meals prevents reflux of gastric contents into the oesophagus.The prominent smooth muscle of the lower oesophagus acts as a internal phincter to prevent reflux.The right crus of the diaphragm which surrounds the oesophagus exerts a pinch-cock like action on the oesophagus to prevent reflux (external sphincter).The oblique or sling fibers of the stomach wall create a flap valve that helps close off the esophagogastric junction and prevent regurgitation when intragastric pressure rises.Another factor that helps to prevent reflux is a valvelike mechanism of a short portion of the esophagus that extends slightly into the stomach. Increased intra-abdominal pressure caves the esophagus inward at this point. Thus, this valvelike closure of the lower esophagus helps to prevent high intra-abdominal pressure from forcing stomach contents backward into the esophagus.

What is it called when your heart contracts and relaxes?

Diastolic and systolic is when your heart contracts and relaxes.

Does the heart rest between beats?

The Heart as a whole does not rest between beats. It is a portion that relaxes when the other chambers still functions and vice versa.

What pushes food to the stomachs exit?

The gateway to your stomach is called the lower esophageal sphincter. This ring-like muscle opens and closes the passage between your esophagus and your stomach, as needed. During the digestive process, the sphincter relaxes and lets food pass into your stomach. Food goes through a significant part of the digestive process inside your stomach.

When the bicep contacts what muscle relaxes?

When the bicep contracts, the tricep relaxes. These pair of muscles are known as antagonists which means as one contracts, the other relaxes and vice versa.

Could Exhalation occurs when the nose relaxes causing the lungs to contract?

No, exhalation does not occur when the nose relaxes.

Which muscle relaxes when arm is strightened?

The bicep muscle. The tricep contracts to straighten the arm as the bicep relaxes.