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When the energy levels are farther apart.

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Q: Which condition will release more energy when an electron changes levels?
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Which energy-level changes for an electron is least energetic?

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When an electron is acquired by a neutral atom, the energy change is called electron affinity. Neutral atoms with an s2p6 electron configuration in the highest energy level are best classified as gases.

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When electrons jump to a higher energy level they emit or absorb energy?

Electrons are normally in an energy level called the ground state. In the ground state electrons absorb heat energy and then get into the excited state where they release the energy and exert light energy. The light energy can be seen with a spectroscope with a unique bright line emission spectrum.

How does ionization energy affect the reactivity of metal?

Ionisation energy determines the ability to loose electron. It tells the amount of energy changes in the process.

Which electron would release more energy one falling from the second shell or third shell?

More the gap, more the energySo the electron falling from Third shell will release more energy.

When sunlight excites electrons how do the electrons change?

Depending on the energy (frequency) of the specific photon hitting the electron, one of three events happens: nothing, the electron is excited, or the electron leaves the atom. If the energy of the photon very high, the electron can absorb the energy and escape the nucleus' pull. This is called ionization. If the energy of the photon lines up with the energy spacing in the atoms energy levels, the electron will move to a higher energy state, becoming excited. The electron then returns to its original energy level, releasing the energy as light. If the energy of the photon does not fall into one of these categories, the electron does not interact with it. In terms of actually changing the electron, it only changes in energy, not any other property.

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