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Q: Which confederate states had least number of blacks holding office during reconstruction?
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Which former confederate state had most blacks holding office during reconstruction?

Which former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction

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What were some failures during and after reconstruction?

one way reconstruction was a failure is that the freedman bureau burn down the blacks school, meaning no freedom what so ever for the blacks.

Who fought to restrict African American rights during reconstruction?

President Andrew Jackson restricted African American rights during reconstruction. Blacks were excluded from southern politics. Radical Reconstruction occurred from 1867 to 1877

How did corruption in the federal government during grants administration help cause the end of reconstruction?

The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.

How did corruption in the federal government during grants administration help causes the end of reconstruction?

The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.

How did corruption in the federal government during Grant's administrations help cause the end of reconstruction?

The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.

How did corruption in the federal government during Grant's administration help cause the end of reconstruction?

The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.

What was accomplished for blacks during reconstruction?

The biggest most resounding accomplishments for blacks during reconstruction were the adoption of Constitutional Amendments. These amendments were the 13th, 14th and 15th. Respectively they gave blacks, in order, abolition of slavery; guarantee of citizenship to the United States and granting civil rights and the right to vote.

An accomplishment that was not made by southern state governments during radical reconstruction was the?

election of blacks as governors

What is the north's biggest mistake during reconstruction?

Its failure to provide blacks with farm property of their own

What were the political parties during reconstruction?

Democrats and Ex Confederate, Moderate Republicans, and Radical Republicans