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Q: Which contains more humus topsoil or subsoil?
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What contains more humus topsoil or subsoil?


Does topsoil have more fertility then subsoil?

Yes topsoil has more fertility and humus than subsoil.

Why does topsoil have much more humus than subsoil?

by earthworms in it

Is humus found in topsoil or subsoil?

by earthworms in it

Which contains more humans topsoil or subsoil?

by the way there are sunlight in human and in soil. ************ Topsoil will contain more humus (notice the spelling!) than subsoil. Topsoil is the layer where most household gardening and food production on farms takes place. The subsoil could be solid clay, which would make the topsoil rather wet after a heavy rain. Or even solid bedrock, with a thin layer of topsoil on top - not really suitable for growing deep rooted plants.

How scientist classify soils?

In three layers/horizons:A (made of topsoil, crumbly, dark brown soil mixture of humus, clay, and other minerals.)B (made of subsoil, made of clay and other particles with little humus.)andC (contains partly weathered rock.)Read more: How_do_scientists_classify_soil

Why does the subsoil have lighter color than the topsoil?

Topsoil has more organic material.

Why is top soil good for plant growth?

in topsoil they can absorb the amount of water and the nutricient they need plus the soil must not be completely wet because the roots rot and they also need air in the roots. in subsoil there is more water and causes diseases to the roots and there is not enough topsoil has less humus

How do scientist classify soils?

In three layers/horizons: A (made of topsoil, crumbly, dark brown soil mixture of humus, clay, and other minerals.) B (made of subsoil, made of clay and other particles with little humus.) and C (contains partly weathered rock.)

Does subsoil contain more organic matter than topsoil or parent rock?


Does subsoil contain more organic matter than either topsoil or parent rock?


What are the materials for a plant to grow well?

we shoud water plants and put the on the soil which has more topsoil then subsoil and bedrock