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Q: Which continent are located entirely within Southern Hemisphere?
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Which continent is on the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica is the continent located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which continents are located entirely in the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica is the only continent entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which continents are located entirely with the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica is the only continent located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

Which large continent is located in the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica and Australasia are continents entirely located in the southern hemisphere. Africa and South America are also in that hemisphere but not entirely so.

What continent is entirely located within the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica and Australia.

What continent is located entirely in the northern hemisphere and the western hemisphere?

The continent of North America is located entirely in the northern hemisphere and the western hemisphere (or, as we might describe it more succinctly, it is located entirely in the northwestern quadrant).

What 2 continent are located entirely within the southern hemisphere?

Oceana and Antartica.

What continents are on both the Easter and southern hemisphere?

Australia is the continent that is entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere and partially in the Eastern Hemisphere. Antarctica is another continent that lies in both the Eastern and Southern Hemispheres.

Which continent is located entirely in the northern hemisphere and west hemisphere?

North America is the continent that is located entirely in the northern hemisphere and western hemisphere.

What are three continents located enirely in the Southern hemisphere?

There are only two: Australia and Antarctica. South America is the closest continent to being located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, however, the equator cuts through the top of the continent.

What continent is North Pole located?

The North Pole is at the top of the northern hemisphere, and the South Pole is at the top of the southern hemisphere.

Is the continent of North America in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

North America is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere.