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Australia is the only continent that is also a single country, Australia.

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Q: Which continent is only one contery?
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Which continent has only one country on it?

Australia is a continent that is also a country of the same name.

Why is Africa not a country?

Africa is not a country because it is a continent in which many countries are located. There is only one continent that contains only one country. That is Australia, the smallest inhabited continent

Why is antarctica in only one part of the world?

Antarctica is a continent and each continent is in only one part of the world.

Which continent are the only land that rules one continent?

Perhaps you mean what continent is ruled by one nation? In which case the answer is Australia.

What contienent is Australia on?

The continent of Australia. It is the only continent with one country.

How many continents in Africa?

There are 54 countries in Africa, not continents. Africa is a continent itself, with 54 recognized countries within it.

Is Ukraine only in one country?

Ukraine is a country itself. If you mean "Is Ukraine only in one CONTINENT?", then yes, Ukraine is only in one continent called EUROPE.

Is Africa not a country?

Africa is not a country because it is a continent in which many countries are located. There is only one continent that contains only one country. That is Australia, the smallest inhabited continent

How was the contery when Abe was president?

1809-1865 ___

Which are the European continents?

Europe is a continent, so there is only one European continent.

What continent has one government?

Australia is the only country which is also an entire continent.

Biggest continent of asean?

ASEAN is only located on one continent: Asia.