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Probably the continent of Heaven, seeing he died in 1506.

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Q: Which continent was Christopher Columbus exploring in 1521?
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Could Christopher Columbus have attended Magellans burial?

NO, Columbus died in 1506, & Magellan in 1521

Did Christopher Columbus discover the Philippines?

No. He never sailed into the Pacific Ocean.

Who came first Christopher Columbus or Ferdinand Magellan?

Marco Polo (1253-1324) came first.Juan Ponce de León (1460 - 1521) Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521

What year did Ferdinand Magellan exploring?

in 1505 Ferdinand started exploring and then he went 4 a voyage

When did juan ponce de leon finish exploring?

He was exploring NW Florida, when he died in 1521 from a poisoned arrow from the natives .

What two European nations were the first to begin overseas exploration?

In the ancient times the first who explored the world and colonized were the Greeks In the Renaissance the first nation was Spain [1492 - Christopher Columbus], Portugal [1521 - Ferdinand Mangellan] followed by the Duch, the British and the French.

Who ruled Mexico when Columbus was exploring America?

Before the Spanish conquest in 1521, present-day Mexico had several empires and city states. At the time, the most important in Mexico was the Aztec Empire, led by Ahuizotl(1486-1502).

Who were some of the people that Juan met on his search?

Juan Ponce de Leon was the name of a Spanish explorer who lived from 1474 until 1521. Some of the people that he met during his search for land included Christopher Columbus and Nicolas de Ovando.

What is 85 percent of 1521?

85% of 1,521 = 85% * 1521 = 0.85 * 1521 = 1,292.85

What is 1521-1474?

1521 - 1474 = 47

What is 1521 in roman numeral?

1521 = MDXXI

What is Magellan's personal background?

Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in Sabrosa Portugal. When he was 10 years old his parents died in a sailing trip on the ocean. He was chosen to be the queenâ??s messenger when he was only 12 years old. He was inspired by Christopher Columbus which led him to be a traveler. He was 25 when he first began sailing. Ferdinand died in 1521 when he was 41 years old.