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Q: Which continental congress voted not to trade with England?
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What voted to boycott british trade?

Continental Congress

Who voted boycott British trade?

Continental Congress

What congress voted in favor of independence from England and wrote a document?

second continental congress

As an economic sanction against Britain the First Continental Congress voted to?

end all trade with Britain

What happen at the First Continental Congress?

Delegates voted to bon ALL trade with England until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. They also called for all of the colonies to begin training troops for colonial milias.

The first continental congress voted to?

to call for the formation of colonial militias.

Representatives of the second continental congress voted on this on July 4 1776?


Representatives of the second continental congress voted for this on July 4 1776?


What body met in Philadelphia and voted for the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress

During the what the majority of delegates voted to break away from Britain?

the first continental congress

What did the 1st continental congress vote on in 1774?

It voted in favor of a boycott of British trade, until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. These were laws punishing the colonies, with taxes and fines, in part as a response to the Boston Tea Party.-But the First Continental Congress also voted in favor of forming a second continental congress, to come after it, to organize the colonies to defend themselves against the British government, which was essentially the same sort of distant, umbrella power that the Federal government is in the United States, today.

On July 2 1776 the continental congress voted that the 13 colonies were Free and what?

they were free and independent