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Q: Which contraceptive pill can work after 1 week?
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Chances of getting pregnant after taking contraceptive pills?

. I believe they say the contraceptive pill is effective 97%-99%, so that would give a 1%-3% chance of getting pregnant.

Can you still get pregnant after taking just 1 contraceptive pill by misstake?

Im not sure I understand your question. But if you meant one pill out of the whole pack that month yes you can.

What are the benefits of a contraceptive implant?

There are many benefits to having a contraceptive implant. You do not have to worry if you've forgotten to take the pill, it lasts for months or even years, and it's discreet.

What are different types of contraception?

Four different categories of contraceptive include:1. Barrier Methodsa. Condoms (male and female)b. diaphragmc. cervical cap2. Chemical methodsa. contraceptive foamb. spermicidec. contraceptive filmd. contraceptive sponge3. Hormonal methodsa. Contraceptive pillsi. mini pill- progestin onlyii. combined pill (both estrogen and progesterone)b. injectable contraceptivesc. contraceptive patchd. the ringe. the patchf. implantg. emergency contraceptives4. Non hormonal methodsa. IUDb. sterilizationc. withdrawald. rhythm method

What are four different types of contraceptives?

Four different categories of contraceptive include:1. Barrier Methodsa. Condoms (male and female)b. diaphragmc. cervical cap2. Chemical methodsa. contraceptive foamb. spermicidec. contraceptive filmd. contraceptive sponge3. Hormonal methodsa. Contraceptive pillsi. mini pill- progestin onlyii. combined pill (both estrogen and progesterone)b. injectable contraceptivesc. contraceptive patchd. the ringe. the patchf. implantg. emergency contraceptives4. Non hormonal methodsa. IUDb. sterilizationc. withdrawald. rhythm method

How many days does it take for the pill to work after you start it for the first time?

Most doctors say it takes about 1 week for the pill to become effective but they advise always using added protection.

After birth of your son you started taking a white contraceptive and have not had a period for 1 year you missed a week of the pill and then took it again for 2 days and had sex could you be pregnant?

Yes you could be pregnant. Because you didn't take the pill for a week means that you were unprotected and still are even though you took it again for two days. You were still unprotected and you should immediately take a pregnancy test to make sure you aren't pregnant. If you are go to your doctor immediately.

In week 1 you miss 1 pill on the Saturday and you have unprotected sex and in also had unpretected sex on Sunday so you took the pill late that night way after sex can you get pregnant?


What happens if you are on the pill and you spot onE DAY ON WEEK 1 and another on week 2 but dont get your period?

If you don't get your period on week four, chances are good that you're pregnant.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cotraceptive pill?

The advantage of the contraceptive pill is - it prevents unwanted pregnancy. The disadvantages are (1) you mustremember to take it each day and (2) some illnesses can reduce its effectiveness. The solution - never rely solely on the pill for contraception - always use a condom ! Condoms not only are more reliable - they are also a barrier against STD's.

When to use penorit?

Penorit is an oral contraceptive medication, which restrains hormones that result in preventing ovulation. Non-pregnant women should only use it, take 1 pill for 2 successive days.

What if you miss days 1 and 2 in week one of the pill?

In 1 Day an Egg Can Be Realised from the Ovaries, The Pill Stops the making of oestrogen a hormone that sends a messages to the ovaries to release an egg. Hope this answers your question..