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Caviar, because it has a higher market value than hamburger. if you follow the definition (GDP: market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time) the market value of caviar is substantially higher than the market value of hamburger.

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Q: Which contributes more to GDP production 1 of hamburger or production 1 of caviar?
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Why is caviar costly?

Now available the high quality paddlefish cavier recipes are available for a low price From Italia Gourmet food lovers have a variety of imported American caviar and buy online, Russian imperial, Caspian caviar, salmon caviar, Buy black caviar, sturgeon caviar, osetra caviar online

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Why does a soup kicthen not give you caviar?

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What do you think has a greater effect on the consumer price index a 10 percent increase in chicken or a 10 percent increase in caviar?

Chicken. Most people do not buy caviar. So the total amount spent on chicken is much greater than the total spent on caviar (even though caviar is more expensive). Therefore, in terms of the basket of consumer shopping, chicken is much more important had has more weight in the price index. This means an increase in the price of chicken will have a much greater impact on the index as the same percentage increase on caviar.

Is Germany famous for the hamburger?

The hamburger originated in Germany, but I think America is more famous for it....

Is caviar and lobster the same thing?

Oh you need a course on diner etiquette, lobster is different specie, while caviar means eggs of specific fish. Lobster is cheaper seafood and more widely available. While fresh caviar is criminally expensive and rare to get.

Is a hamburger compound?

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