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The rods and cones at the rear of the eyeball convert light energy to electrical impulses that are in turn translated by your brain into images in your mind. The varying strengths and intensity of the light waves entering your eyes enables you to discern gradations in color and hue. Too much light and all you'd 'see' is brightness. Too little light, and all you'd 'see' is grey. The iris opens and closes similar to the aperature of a camera lens to allow more or less light in for the conditions, to enable your brain to make sense out of what you 'see'. This is why, for example, when you darken a room, your iris opens up to allow more light in. Or when you emerge from a dark room into a brightly lit area, your eyes need a moment to "adjust" to the increased brightness.

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14y ago

The iris. It will constrict to allow less light into the eye, or expand to allow more.

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Q: Which control the amount of light entering in eye?
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What does the pupil in the human eye do?

The pupil is the opening in the iris. The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye.

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The iris controls the amount of light that is entering the pupil. When its dark out, the sphincter muscles on the iris ease to dilate the pupil, but when its light out, the sphincter muscles contract to constrict the opening of the pupil.

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This would be the iris.

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The iris controls the size of the pupil. Which in turn, controls the amount of light entering the eye.

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The biconcave structure is the "lens, but his focuses the light, it does not adjust for the amount of light. The structure that adjusts for the amount of light entering the eye is the "iris"

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The pupil goes larger in the dark, and smaller in the light.