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they live in ...

the under water

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Q: Which coral reefs do seahorses live in?
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Map on where seahorses live?

wear seahorses live

Where do you find seahorses?

Depending on the species they live in seagras beds, coral reefs or algeal reefs.

What biome do seahorses live in?

Seahorses are a marine animal. They live in the coral reefs and tropical waters of the marine or ocean biome.

Can seahorses live in a aquarium at home?

Seahorses don't build there houses they would live in coral rocks and many more to hide from there predators.

Do Sea Dragons live in the Coral Reef?

Yes, Seahorses live in Coral reefs. Along with Sea anemones and Clown fish! Lots of animals live in Coral reefs. Almost the majority of animals that live in warm waters live in nice big Coral reefs

Do seahorses live in the middle of the ocean yes or no?

No, Seahorses live in shallow coral reefs near to the shore. They hold on to the coral and sea plants with their tail to camoflage themselves and ambush their prey. Seahorses are very slow swimmers. The middle of the ocean would be way too deep for them!

Where do seahorses sleep?

Seahorses do not have specific sleeping locations as they do not have eyelids and therefore do not close their eyes. Instead, they rest in calm, low-current areas by anchoring themselves using their prehensile tails.

What life forms are around coral reefs?

fish,clams,coral,crustations,seahorses,and a lot more

Do angelfish live in coral reefs?

Yes angelfish do live in the coral reefs.

Why do coral reefs can live salt water?

why do coral reefs can live in salt water

How are coral reefs and sea grass beds dangerous to seahorses?

They could get tangled or eaten.

Where do you found seahorses?

arond coral reefs, very common around australia, indonesia.