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Q: Which countries are not recognized by the UN?
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How many countries registered in UN?

there are 194 countries recognized by UN. Palestine is the last one.

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Yes it is. Approved by the UN in 1947 and recognized by the UN and a lot of countries in 1948 and later.

Countries who are non memmber of uno?

Out of the 195 internationally recognized countries of the world, only 3 are not members of the UN: Taiwan, Kosovo (both not being recognized as sovereign states by some countries) and the Holy See (the Vatican). Palestine is neither a member, nor internationally recognized as a sovereign state as of yet.

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I think I can get some of them. These places are recognized as Independent nations by the UN: Vatican City, Monaco, Lichtenstein, and...

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CZECHOSLOVAKIA is now split into two UN recognized countries: Czech and Slovenia

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Countries list 2008?

All the countries currently present were present in 2008 with the exception of South Sudan, who only gained independence in 2011. The only country to gain independence in 2008 was Kosovo, who just recently has been recognized by the majority of UN members, making it possible for the country to ultimately be recognized as a sovereign nation and possibly join the UN soon.

Which are the countries that are not the part of UN?

Do you mean which countries are not part of the UN?

What is the number of countries in all the continents?

Well it depends how you count. There are 192 countries that are members of the UN, there are 3 more than that, that are recognized by the USA as countries, and there is Taiwan which used to be recognized as a country, but in the 70's Taiwan was declared a province of China much to their dismay. Taiwan still thinks of itself as a country so i guess it depends how you look at it.

How many countries are there in the world and what are the names?

There are 195 countries in the world. This counts all UN recognized countries, plus Taiwan, Kosovo and the Vatican City. It does not include Western Sahara or Palestine. You can find their names onany websites but no one is good one

How many countries are there in the world and what are their names?

There are 195 countries in the world. This counts all UN recognized countries, plus Taiwan, Kosovo and the Vatican City. It does not include Western Sahara or Palestine. You can find their names onany websites but no one is good one

How many recognized nations are in the world?

192 mebers of the un, but there are three more recognized nations