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There are either 195 or 196 countries in the world today, depending on whether you count Taiwan. As of 2014, there are 50 states party to the treaty. That leaves 145 or 146 countries which haven't signed.

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Q: Which countries have not signed the Antarctic Treaty?
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How many countries honor the Antarctic Treaty today?

Countries representing about 80% of the earth's population have either signed or ratified the Antarctic Treaty.

Who or what will benefit from the Antarctic Treaty?

All of planet earth benefits from the Antarctic Treaty, because science conducted there -- the study of the health of planet earth -- is shared with all countries that signed or ratified the Antarctic Treaty.

How many countries protect the Antarctic?

To date, according to its Wikipedia entry, there are 51 nations that have signed the Antarctic Treaty. Governments representing about 80% of the earth's population are partners in the treaty.

Why can no one own Antarctica?

Because it's owned by the governmant and loads of countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty.

What 12 organisations want to protect Antarctica?

You are referring to the Antarctic treaty this was originally signed by 12 countries but then 36 more countries signed it and there are now 48 countries part of the treaty. Google Antarctic treat and click on the wikipedia page about it, then click on members to see a full list of 48 members.

What treaty was signed in 1959 by 12 nations?

iT WAS tHe Antarctic treaty!

What year did many countries sign the Antarctic Treaty?

The treaty went into effect in 1961. The original 12 signators signed on 1 December 1959.

Who signed the Antarctic Treaty?

As of 2014, there are 50 states party to the treaty.

How many countries are in the Antarctic?

There are no countries in Antarctica. Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which is a collective agreement signed by 54 countries to regulate activities and preserve the continent for scientific research and environmental conservation.

What countries are in the Antarctica?

There are no countries on the Antarctic continent. It is governed by the Antarctic Treaty

What is the purpose for the Antarctic treaty?

The Antarctic Treaty aims to preserve the earth below 60 degrees South Latitude, for science and only for science.Countries invested in pursuing science in the Antarctic have signed the Antarctic Treaty, and each shares all the science studied with all the other signatory countries.The Antarctic Treaty does not acknowledge any territorial claims made by many countries to areas of the Antarctic continent.

What agreement was first signed in the early 1960s by the US and 11 other countries to protect the environment while preserving scientific research?

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 by 12 different countries.