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Summer occurs south of the equator at the same time winter occurs north of the equator and vice versa.

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Q: Which countries have summer in December?
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Related questions

What part of world is summer in December?

In southern hemisphere countries.

What countries experience summer during the month of December?

Countries in the Southern Hemisphere such as Lesotho and New Zealand.

What is the hottest country in the world in December?

The hottest countries in December are the ones closer to the equator like Brazil Brazil has their summer from December to february

Where is it summer on December 24?

It is summer throughout the southern hemisphere on December 24. This includes Australia, New Zealand, various south Pacific Islands and most of the countries of Africa and South America.

In what countries is Christmas celebrated in the summer?

All countries in the Souther Hemisphere have Christmas during summer. These countries have summer during December, January and Februrary. Some examples are Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.

How can December 27th fall in the summer?

It is summer throughout the southern hemisphere on December 27. This includes Australia, New Zealand, various south Pacific Islands and most of the countries of Africa and South America.

Countries that have dec 25th in summer?

To the north of the Equator, December 25th happens in Winter. To the south, it happens in Summer.... so that Australasia, many countries in southern Africa and most of South America have it in their summertime.

How tall is Summer December?

Summer December is 5' 7".

Why do some countries have Christmas in the middle of the summer?

On the 25th of December, the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, making it summer there, while the northern hemisphere is in winter due to it being tilted away from the Sun. So countries in the southern hemisphere are in summer on Christmas Day.

Why is it summer in Antarctica in December?

Because Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere, all of which experiences summer in December. Summer begins on December 21.

Why is it summer in December in antarctica?

Because Antarctica is in the Southern Hemisphere, all of which experiences summer in December. Summer begins on December 21.

When is off peak season in New Zealand?

For the most part, ski season in New Zealand lasts from May-June to Sepember-October. many resorts are indeed open for all but the summer months, rather than simply being open in winter-spring. It is best to check with individual resort as to the usual season length