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the United States of America, Russia, Japan, Canada and eleven member states of the European Space Agency (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom).

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Q: Which countries helped build the space station?
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How long did itn take to build the international space station?

Construction of the iss started in 1998 and it was finished in 2011, so calculate that, ummm so it took 13 years to build the international space station!! HOpe I helped:)

Who are the 11 European countries that helped build ISS?

Ten European nations that are members of the European Space Agency are helping in the International Space Station. They are France, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands. Some other countries have contributed experiments to it, but are not formally part of the building of it.

Did the US build the first space station?


Will they build another station after the ISS is retired?

Yes, the Russians plan to build a new station consisting of parts from the ISS called the OPESK station. The U.S also plans to buid a commercial space station called the Bigelow Commercial Space Station (BCSS) in 2014. The chineese also plan to build a space station as well.

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How do you get a space station into space?

Basically, they build the space station on the ground first, then they break it into parts small enough to fit in the shuttle, and reassemble it in space. They are still making improvements on the space station today.

How much would it cost to build a space station to live in outer space?

The cost of the International Space Station is $150 billion US dollars.

Why not build the space station on the moon?

All it takes is money!

Who help build the International Space Station?

the NASA Team

Why did people build a space station?

to discover the secrets of the universe.

Were astronauts able to conduct experiment when working in a space station?

Yes, they are. Specifically the International Space Station (or ISS, but really any space station can conduct an experiment. Hope this helped! :)

What is the name of the space station is being built by US Russia and many other countries?

The International Space Station (ISS).