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Yes... I think!

i think it is illegal in all states, but i could be wrong

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14y ago
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10y ago

United Kingdom, South Africa, North America, South America, India, Pakistan, Australia, & many more. It's a felony to even be AT a dog fighting event.

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12y ago

No, it is not legal in any way. You can check your states laws on the subject if you want more detail.

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15y ago

Which states has illegal dog fighting?

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Is dog-fighting illegal in New Zealand?

Dog fighting is illegal in New Zealand. The Animal Welfare Act of 1999 forbids it. It is also illegal in the USA, England, Australia and many other countries.

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i dot know' ? Dog fighting is Illegal

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In April 2007, Vick was in an illegal dog fighting ring

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Is dog fighting illegal in japan?

Unfortunately, yes.

What are facts about dog fighting?

ITS ILLEGAL. Dont participate or give money to dog fighters.

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Dog fighting is illegal animal cruelty and this question should not be answered.

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Yes he is for illegal dog fighting

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It is not illegal to have a dog in Iceland, but the rules about owning them are quite strict compared to other countries.

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Dog fighting is illegal. Anyone taking part in any way is subject to legal prosecution.

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dog fighting is illegal and wrong