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Q: Which countries lost their colonies in Africa after world war 2?
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After world war 1 who lost their colonies in africa?


What was a direct result of World War 1?

Germany lost its colonies in Africa and Asia

Did World War I lose colonies?

World War 1 never had colonies, nor has any other war before or after it. It did however cost the nations who fought in it numerous colonies, most notably Germany, who lost large possessions in Africa and Asia.

What was a direct result of ww1?

Germany lost it colonies in Africa and Asia.

Did allied forces occupie the German colonies in Africa?

Germany lost her African colonies after WW1 so there were no colonies to occupy in WW2.

German colonies after World War 2?

Germany lost all its overseas colonies after World War I, and therefore had none after WWII. They were modern Namibia and Tanzania, both of which became British colonies (Namibia as a part of South Africa) until gaining independence after WWII.

What happened to Germany's colonies?

They didn't have many- a few colonies on Africa (mainly modern Togo, Cameroon, Namibia and Tanzania), and some islands in the Pacific. What little they had was taken from them during or after World War I, and given to countries who had been on the Allied side- mainly Britain, France, South Africa, and Japan.

Outcome of Geographic change after World War 1?

The resultant geographic change after World War 1 caused economic degradation for some countries and growth for others. Countries like Germany that lost many large territories and colonies lost important sources of raw materials for their industries.

What was one major consequence of decolonization in the 20th century?

Answer this question… European powers lost influence in African countries.

What seven European countries had colonies in Africa?

Those three European countries were Britain, France and Dutch NO European countries colonised any country in Africa in the 1990's. They had all given independence to their colonies long before.

Who was the German protectorate in West Africa until 1992?

There seems to be confusion here. Germany lost of its overseas colonies during World War 1. It sounds as if you are thinking of Namibia, which was German South-West Africa from 1885-1914, when it was seized by South Africa.

What effects did World War 2 have in north Africa's indepence?

the effects the ww2 had of Africa were that people in Africa started losing money because neighboring countries lost money so they couldn't buy oil,or trade.