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All members of the World Trade Organization are required to abide by the TRIPS agreements (Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights), which in turn require members to adhere to articles 1-21 of the Berne Convention. A link to the most recent list of WTO members is below.

That being said, not all countries have the same reputation for upholding the law; you will see that China has been a member of the WTO for ten years, yet its enforcement of IP laws is notoriously lax.

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Most countries' laws are very similar, based on the Berne Convention. The US and several others have extended protection from life + 50 years to life + 70 years for works of a single creator, and some countries have optional formal registration in addition to the automatic protection demanded by Berne.

That being said, not all countries are equally conscientious about enforcing their IP laws.

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Q: Which country has the strictest copyright laws?
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The copyright office in your country should make them available online. The Berne Convention is linked below.

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