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Q: Which country declared war on Germany in 1914 as part of the military agreement with Great Britain?
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Why Britain and France declared war on Germany?

The British were a part of the Anglo-Polish military alliance, an agreement between several countries, including England, France, and Poland. When the Germans invaded Poland in the fall of 1939, Great Britain gave the Germans an ultimatum to pull all of their troops out of Poland immediately, but Germany ignored them. A day later, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, as they had agreed to do as part of the military alliance.

Who supported Serbia when Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Russia was bound by treaty with Serbia, Montenegro declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia. France bound by treaty with Russia declared war on Germany, Great Britain declared war on Germany after Germany refused to respect the neutrality and sovereignty of Belgium. United states tried to stay neutral but were to threatned by Germany's submarine attacks on Trade vessels to Germany's enemies. Japan had a military agreement with Britan, so declared war on Germany.

What made Britain declair war on Germany?

It's all about promises.In WW1 Britain promised to protect Belgium and after Germany invaded them to get to France war was declared upon Germany from Britain.In WW2 Britain had agreed to protect and help Poland in all military scuffles and when Germany invaded and refused to leave Poland Britain declared war upon Germany.

What was the date Great Britain declared war on Germany?

August 4 1914, after Germany did not withdraw from Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany.

What event made Britain and France to form an alliance with Poland?

When Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France had an agreement with Poland to come to Poland's aid should the country ever be invaded. As Germany refused to withdraw from Poland, Britain and France declared war against Germany.

What happen after Germany invaded Poland in 1939?

France and Britain declared war on Germany.

Why did England get in World War 2?

Britain (which includes England) and France had a defence agreement with Poland. Germany invaded Poland on 1st September 1939, so on 3rd September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Why France and Great Britain declared war on Germany?

When did England and France declare war on who? Please clarify.

What happened to Poland a result of the invasion and how did Britain and France respond to it?

On September 1st 1939, German Forces overran Poland on land and air. Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland and immediately demanded that German forces withdraw from Poland. Germany ignored the ultimatum, so on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France jointly declared war on Germany.

When did Britain and France declare war against Germany and why?

Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. The reason was because Germany had launched a military invasion of Poland two days earlier, even though Britain and France had told Germany not to do so.

Why was the battle of Britain fought?

Because Germany declared war on Britain.

When Britain declared war on Germany what had Germany violated?

the feh law