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Q: Which country had a friendly relationship with the native Americans?
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One problem that the first colonists at Roanoke faced was a lack of adequate supplies and provisions. This became a significant issue as they struggled with limited resources and support from England, leading to food shortages and poor living conditions.

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French trappers and Native Americans got along well and had a generally friendly relationship. The Native Americans, for example, taught the trappers how to fish.

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== ==

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What was the relationship between Native Americans and the colonists of Georgia?

the relationship between the colonists and Native Americans wasn't very good they didn't like the colonists because they hunted their game, took "their land," and they brought un wanted diseases and plagues from their country.

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The country related with Pizarro and the Native Americans is Spain.

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Which country wanted to establish fur trading outposts in the new world and had friendly relations with native Americans?

Either France, Britain, Portugal, or Spain

What relationship did Native Americans have with New York?

The Relationship was good.The New York's and Native Americans were best of the friends.

What was the relationship between the french the native Americans?

The French and Native Americans had a better relationship than the other Europeans during the 1600's. The french lived amongst the Native's and respected their ways.

What was the relationship between the french and the native Americans?

The French and Native Americans had a better relationship than the other Europeans during the 1600's. The french lived amongst the Native's and respected their ways.