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Q: Which country had a secret police force known as the Tonton Macoute?
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Which country had a secret police force known as Tonton Maconte?


What does ton mean in french?

The word ton-ton is not english. I have come across the word in "Ton-ton Macoute", in Haitian French. They seemed to be a cross between secret police, thugs and practitioners of Voodoo. They were dedicated to preserving the dictatorship of "Papa-doc Duvalier". This creole Haitian word is a copy of the French "Tonton", a nickname for "uncle" (we could say it is the masculine equivalent of "Auntie")

Who was Germany's secret police organization called?

GeStaPo (Geheime Staatspolizei -> Secret State Police)

Who were the secret police in Anne Frank's Diary?

The secret police were the Gestapo's.

What country does the word gestapo come from?

Gestapo was Adolf Hitler's Nazis Germany's name for their secret police.

What was the name of Germany's secret police?

GeStaPo (Geheime Staatspolizei -> Secret State Police)

Italy's secret police?

They may have had a secret police, but there has been no evidence.

What is secret police in World War 2?

Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.

The Oprichniki created by Ivan the Terrible was a what?

it was a secret police organized by Ivan the terrible

When was Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police created?

Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police was created in 1939.

What is the Japanese Kempei Tai?

The Kempei Tai were the Imperial Japanese Army secret police. The Tokkei Tai were the Navy secret police and the Tokko Keitsatsu were the civilian secret police.

What would most likely occur in a totalitarian country?

A leader sends secret police to spy on citizens suspected of not supporting him.