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Poland. Half of their Jewish inhabitants were killed - approximately 3-4 Million.

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Q: Which country had the largester number of Jewish citizens killed during the Holocaust?
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What were the years before the Holocaust like for the non-Jewish citizens in Germany?

They became jewish

What did the Jewish Embassy do to stop the Holocaust?

The state of Israel did not exist at the time: there was no Jewish country then and therefore no Jewish Embassy. Even if there had been, it is most unlikely that they could have stopped the Holocaust.

How many percent of Jews survived the Holocaust by fleeing the country?

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How could so many people do nothingwhile millions of people died in the holocaust?

The Holocaust was on such a scale that individuals could not do anything. There were some organisations who raised money and had plans to go to occupied Europe and do things, but nothing came of it. What was required was that whole governments and nations did something, the problem was that there was no country where there was a Jewish majority and no country had enough support for any kind of action from their citizens.

Why do you think the writer includes details of the Jewish citizens of Cracow in the boy in the striped pajamas?

Jewish citizens in Cracow to help readers understand the magnitude of the Holocaust and the atrocities committed against the Jewish people. It's important to remember the past so we can learn from it and prevent similar tragedies from happening in the future.

Which country had most deaths of Jewish people during the holocaust?

Poland with nearly 3.7 million killed Jews.

Was there a Jewish ruler during the Holocaust?

There was no Jewish state and no 'Jewish ruler'.

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How did the Holocaust change Jewish history?

The holocaust was a torturous place and a cruel and unforgiving time period in Jewish history

Did any Jewish people renounce being Jewish during the Holocaust?

Yes, but being Jewish in the Holocaust was not judged by one's self, it was determined by the Nazis.

How does Jewish American's life changed during world war 2?

A lot of Jews got killed if they were in a country with the Holocaust.

What were the effects of the Jewish Holocaust?

many Jewish people died