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Q: Which country had the most settlers in the New World?
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What French settlers were interested the most in the new world?

Iqaluit? Maybe

New York's first settlers were from what country?

New England

What religion did most settlers in new world follow?

The answer to that would be heavy god fearing christians.

Where did the settlers go?

to the new world.

When the first wave of English settlers left for the new world in the mid 1600s where did most of them head?


Who sent the Jamestown settlers to America?

England sent settlers to the New World.

From which countries did settlers come to America?

Settlers to the new world came from many courtesy if fact there is not one country that dose not have a member living in the United States ... manly the first Settlers to t America cam for England, France and Spain ...

What was the first country to send colonist to the new world?

The Vikings were the first new settlers to arrive. As for organised and established countries which put permanent settlements in place, it was Spain.

What country has the most greenery in the world?

New Zealand of course... is the most beautiful country in the world when it comes to greenery and nature <3 w.i.n.k.i.z

What are five England sent settlers to the new world?


What shape did colonial settlers think the earth was?

It was well known by colonial times that the earth was spherical.

Is it true that the common law of England was brought to the new world by the early settlers?

The common law of England was brought to the new world by the early settlers who were basically masons.