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Q: Which country has the largest population Tunisia Cayman Islands Luxembourg or Niue?
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What is the lowest population country in the EU?


What is Luxemburg's population?

As of 2012, the population of Luxembourg is 531,441. Luxembourg is a landlocked country tat is located in western Europe.

Why they will not visit Tunisia?

Tunisia is the smallest country located in North Africa. As of 2012 the estimated population of Tunisia is 10.7 million. There is no reason why one would not visit the country, unless they simply choose not to.

What is the population in Tunisia?

Tunis is the capital and the largest city of Tunisia, a country in north Africa. The population in Tunis is 2.2 million and 2.7 million in the Tunis metro area.

Is Tunisia an Islamic state?

Yes, Tunisia is an Islamic country. Muslims represent 99.5 % of the country population of the country 10.216 millions (according to study by Pew Forum as of October 2009).

Is Luxembourg a country or state?

Luxembourg is a country, but there is a Luxembourg City.

What does Luxembourg mean?

Luxembourg is a small country in western Europe. It has a population of approximately 549,680 people. The area was originally called Lucilinburhuc.

What is the capital of Luxembourg an European country smaller in land area than Rhode Island?

The capital of the country of Luxembourg is the city of Luxembourg.

Where is Luxembourg the capital of?

Luxembourg, the capital of Luxembourg is located at the southern part of Luxembourg.

Which country has least citizen?

The country with the lowest citizen population is the Pitcairn Islands with a population of 56. However, Pitcairn Islands are under the rule of the United Kingdom. The sovereign country with the lowest population is Vatican City with a population of 839.

What country has the capital of Luxembourg?


Is Luxembourg an independent country or colony of another?

Luxembourg is an independent country.