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Japan is an archipelago consisting of four major islands on the Eastern edge of Asia. Its closest neighboring country is Russia.

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Russia and South Korea.

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Q: Which country is geographically closest to Japan?
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What country is opposite Japan?

If you are asking geographically, the country opposite of Japan is South and North Korea.

What country is next to japan?

The closest country to Japan is Russia. At the closest distance, the countries are only about four miles apart.

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Geographically, the center of the world is located at zero degrees latitude, zero degrees longitude. Ghana is the closest country to that point.

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If you consider Russia an Asian country then Russia is the Asian country nearest Alaska. China would be the next closest Asian country. And if you consider Japan, a country not on the Asian continent, Japan might be closer than China is to Alaska

Name the two countries located nearest to Japan?

The second country closest to Japan is South Korea, located across the Korea Strait, a 200 km wide channel. The closest country is Russia, located about 10 kilometers between Soisho-to island and Hokkaido.

How is japan geographically isolated?

As an archipelago, Japan is an island chain and is surrounded by water. The water acts as a natural and geographical barrier, separating the country from its nearest land neighbor (Manchuria and Russia on the Asian continent) by 100-200 miles at the closest points. For the most part, Japan is separated from other islands and large land masses by thousands of miles of ocean.

What country is Taiwan closest to?

Technically, it's Japan. The westernmost point of Japan, on Yonaguni Island, is roughly 60 miles east of Taiwan.

Is japan an island or a country?

Philippine Islands are the closest internationally recognized island-nation to Japan. However, Taiwan is the closest island-nation to Japan (it is only recognized officially by 23 countries).

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Denmark is the closest mainland country to Greenland. There are 2,920 miles between the two countries. The second closest country is the Netherlands.

What continesnt is Japan is closest to?

Japan is closest to the continent of Asia.