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Q: Which country is majority-Arab Iran or Iraq?
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What country is bigger iraq or iran?


What is the name of the Middle Eastern country that lies between Iraq and Iran?

There is no country that separates Iraq and Iran.

What is the ancient country for modern Iraq and Iran?

Iraq and Iran were parts of Persia

Is Iraq or Iran larger?

The country of Iran is larger.

What country lies between Iraq and Iran?

There is no such country. Iran and Iraq share a border along the Zagros Mountains.

Which country is farther west Iran or Iraq?

Iraq is further west than Iran

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Iraq and Turkey are west of Iran.

What country did Iran invade in 1990?

Iran invaded no country in 1990. Iraq invaded Kuwait in this year, but Iran and Iraq are two entirely different countries.

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Iran was at war with which country in 1980?

Iran was attacked by its neighboring country of Iraq in 1980, leading to the Iran-Iraq War which lasted for eight years.

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iraq and iran