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Abducent nerve. Also called as abducens nerve. The sixth cranial nerve. Superior oblique muscle is supplied by trochlear nerve. All other muscles are supplied by oculomotor nerve.

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Q: Which cranial nerve is responsible for lateral movement of the eye?
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What is the cranial cranial nerve responsible for?

equilibrium, taste, tears, and tongue movement

What nerve causes lateral movement of the eye?

abducens nerve

Which cranial nerve will help you blink your eyes?

The third cranial nerve, the oculomotor is responsible for blinking and most other eyelid movement.

What cranial nerve is responsible for transmitting visual information?

Cranial Nerve 2 - Optic Nerve

What cranial nerve is responsible for moving the eye laterally?

There are three cranial nerves that innervates muscle to move the eye. The main cranial nerve that controls eye movement is occulomotor nerve (CN III). It is responsible for inferior rectus, superior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique. Lateral rectus muscle is innervated by abducens nerve (CN VI). Superior oblique muscle is innervated by trochlear nerve (CN III).

Which cranial nerves is responsible for olfaction?

The olfactory nerve which is also cranial nerve number 1 is responsible for the sense of olfaction.

What are the innervation of the eye?

Cranial nerve #2 - optic nerve - special sensory for vision Cranial nerve #3 - occulomotor nerve - motor for extraoccular muscles & parasympathetic to ciliary ganglion Cranial nerve #4 - trochlear nerve - motor for extraoccular muscle (superior oblique) Cranial nerve #6 - abduscens nerve - motor for extraoccular muscle (lateral rectus)

Pure sensory cranial nerve?

Cranial nerves are primarily sensory. These nerves are directly between the brain and the brainstem and are responsible for smell, vision, eye movement, facial sensation, and the tongue movement.

Which of the external eye muscles is controlled by cranial nerve VI?

lateral rectus

What Cranial nerve is equilibrium and hearing?

The cranial nerve responsible for hearing and equilibrium is vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII). It originates from between the pons and medulla.

Which one is cranial nerves 2?

Cranial nerve number 2 is the optic nerve, responsible for most of the sensation of sight.

Which cranial nerve is responsible for equilibrium?

The 8th. Hey - I remembered it, the vestibulocochlear nerve.