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A) vagus nerve (X)

B) facial nerve (VII)

C) glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

D) trigeminal nerve (V)

E) facial nerve (VII), vagus nerve (X), and glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)

Answer is E

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There are two cranial nerves that are involved with your sense of taste. Facial nerve (CN VII), more specifically chorda tympani branch is responsible for the anterior 2/3 of your tongue. Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) is responsible for the posterior 1/3 of your tongue.

Olfactory nerve (CN I) is responsible for your sense of smell.

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GIYF (Google is your friend.)

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Q: Which cranial nerves monitor taste buds?
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Taste buds are monitored by cranial nerves?

Cranial nerves #7 (VII) #9 (IX) and #10 (X)

Why do you lose your taste buds when your in a car accident?

If a scull fracture results in damage to nerves that help transmit the signals for taste, taste will be affected. Even damage to the smell cranial nerves will affect the sensation of taste.

Which nerves innervate the taste buds?

Brances of the Facial (VII), Glossopharyngeal (IX), and Vagus (X) cranial nerves carry information about taste

What are the organs of taste and the cranial nerves connected to them?

The organs of taste are the taste buds. These are mostly located on the tongue but they are also present on roof of the mouth and the inside of cheeks, and a few are located in the lower pharynx (Throat) and epiglottis. There are two main pairs of cranial nerves associated with taste which transmit information from the tongue - the facial nerve (VII) and the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) The vagus nerve (X) also transmits information from the few taste buds in the epiglottis and lower pharynx

What do you mean by taste buds?

the taste buds is a suppilers with nerves. when wet food passes through these taste buds, the nerve fibres carry the sensations of taste to the brain.

How do the taste buds work?

Taste buds are nerves in the tongue that pick up flavors then send them as a signal for your brain to pick up and then you get taste

What are 3 cranial nerves involved in the sense of taste?

Auditory, Glossopharyngeal, Hypoglossal

What is the name of the tiny bundles of taste-sensitive nerves found on the surface of the tongue?

Taste buds

What is the name of the tiny bundle of taste sensitive nerves found on the surface of the tongue?

taste buds

What is the pathway of taste starting from the taste buds?

The pathway of taste starts with taste buds located on the tongue and other parts of the mouth. These taste buds contain taste receptor cells that detect different taste qualities (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami). When these receptor cells are stimulated, they send signals to the brain via the gustatory pathway, which involves cranial nerves and taste processing areas in the brain, allowing us to perceive taste.

What allows your brains to register to taste?

Your taste buds allow your brain to register taste. The taste buds are in the tongue, and they connect with nerves that transmit the taste into electronic signals so you can experience it. Different parts of your tongue taste different tastes.

What is a taste bud made of?

taste buds are made up of taste cells that sense the chemicals in food and send taste signals to the nerves that carry them to the brain.