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Q: Which creature does not have a skeleton and why doesnt need one?
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Where is a spider's skeleton?

it doesnt have one its an insect!!!!!!!

Is this statement true or false-one skeleton times one skeleton equals one skeleton?

It equals one skeleton squared.

Can you attack amonster on the field and an opponent directly in the same turn even if the creature attacking the creature doesnt destroy it?

You can't attack an opponent's creature directly. you attack your opponent directly with your creatures. It's up to them to decide whether or not to block. The exception to this is if one of your creatures has the Provoke ability which means you can force another creature to block it.

Does an Amoeba have a endoskeleton or extoskeleton?

Any type of skeleton requires multiple cells to harden and support the animal. An amoeba is an invertebrate and a one-celled creature that barely has a cell wall. It surrounds its food with its body and then digests it. It has neither endo- or exoskeleton.

Is skeleton sport single?

Skeleton is a sport single for one person.It's just the same as bobsleigh but it only need one person not a team.It will be used in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver .

Can I make skeleton candy homemade ?

Yes, you can make skeleton candy at home. You'll need a mold (like the one at the following website: and you'll need to find a recipe for the type of candy you wish to make.

What is endoskeleton with diagram?

An endoskeleton is an internal skeleton found within the body of an organism. It provides support, protection, and structure to the body. A diagram of an endoskeleton typically shows the bones or cartilage structures located within the body, such as the spine, ribs, and limb bones.

What sponges have a skeleton?

Sponges don't have skeletons! They are invertebrates which means the creature doesn't have a backbone, but in this case, it doesn't have a skeleton! (I think this is right, I apologize if it isn't)

What is the name of the skeleton from One Piece?

The skeleton's name is Brook.

What do you need to play skeleton?

Skeleton is the name of a computer game and can be found at many online flash game websites. To play, the materials one needs are: A computer, a mouse, a keyboard, and an internet connection.

How is a rodent skeleton different frome a vole skeleton?

A rodent skeleton is not different from a vole skeleton. A vole skeleton is just one of many types of rodent skeleton. That is because voles are a type of rodent.

How many skeleton does a human have?

Every human has only one skeleton.