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Q: Which creature is also called a monodon monoceros?
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Can you give a Sentence with a word called creature?

The creature lurked in the shadows. there is also a character in harry potter named creature so a sentence with that in it would be soething like... Creature spat at his feet and yelled at him to get out!

Can a narwhal have two tusks?

Yes, but a narwhal having more than one horn is a rare occurrence. The scientific name for the narwhal is Monodon monoceros. The designation comes from the Greek for 'one tooth one horn'. Indeed, the male narwhal tends to have one horn, and the female none. But there are rare, recorded instances in which a male has two horns and a female one. There also is the one known, recorded instance of a female having two horns.

How does a narwhal swim?

Answer #1 by Poke bro With their tail. Answer #2 by Ginezumi A narwhal [Monodon monoceros] swims with the upturned tips of its flippers, its tusk and head, and its tail. The flipper tips and the tail help the narwhal steer. The flipper tips also help the narwhal stop. The tusk and head help the narwhal to move by echolocation. The tusk detects differences in water temperature, salinity and pressure that may affect swimming conditions. The mouth emits sounds that come back as sound waves. The sound waves are processed by the head, and possibly also by the tusks, to swim around upcoming obstacles in the sea.

Which terrible creature is also known as lycanthrope?


Why would Cleopatra be a cat?

Cleopatra could only be a cat in some fiction or kiddy lit. Cleopatra could also be a name for someone's pet cat. A cat-creature in a video game could also be called Cleopatra. Its a name that goes with just about anything.

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That would be the killer whale.

Can you give a Sentence with a word called creature?

The creature lurked in the shadows. there is also a character in harry potter named creature so a sentence with that in it would be soething like... Creature spat at his feet and yelled at him to get out!

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The scientific name of sea urchin is "Echinoidea."

Can a narwhal have two tusks?

Yes, but a narwhal having more than one horn is a rare occurrence. The scientific name for the narwhal is Monodon monoceros. The designation comes from the Greek for 'one tooth one horn'. Indeed, the male narwhal tends to have one horn, and the female none. But there are rare, recorded instances in which a male has two horns and a female one. There also is the one known, recorded instance of a female having two horns.

Which creature listed below could also be called the loudest monkey?

Howler Monkeyhowler monkeys definetly

What is a aswang?

Aswang also called The Unearthing is a horror movie based on a creature that feed the unborn children in Filipino.

What is an infant Opossum called?

A young opossum is called a joeyA kit or kitten is also an acceptable term of reference for any young furry creature.

What is a young opossum called?

A young opossum is called a joeyA kit or kitten is also an acceptable term of reference for any young furry creature.

Is there a mythical creature that is half cow in the front and half snake in the back?

In Ovid's fasti there is a half bull, half serpent called the Ophiotaurus.This creature also appears in Rick Riordan's Titan's Curse.