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Q: Which cruel realities regarding slavery does Douglas describe?
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What ideas did Stephen Douglas support regarding the spread of slavery?

Stephen Douglas was born on April 23, 1813 in Brandon Vermont. Yes, he did support slavery.

What was Stephan Douglas's feelings about slavery?

Stephan Douglas was against slavery.

Did Harriet Tubman abolish slavery or Fredrick Douglas?

It was Abraham Lincoln but Tubman and Douglas were against slavery too.

What was the topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Slavery in the territories

What did Stephen Douglas think of slavery?

he thought slavery was right.

How were Douglas and Lincoln different?

Lincoln was anti-slavery and Douglas was pro-slavery. Both men were backed by business interests.

How does Fredrick Douglas show that slavery corrupts slavery owners?


What position did Stephen A. Douglas take on the role of slavery in America?

douglas argued for the right of states to decide whether or not to allow slavery

What did Stephen A Douglas think about slavery?

Stephen Douglas supported popular sovereignity, also called squatter sovereignity, which stated that each territory had the right to determine if they would accept slavery or not.

What were the debates about slavery between Lincoln and Douglas called?

....The Lincoln Douglas Debates

What did Abraham and Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debate in the Lincoln Douglas debates?


Over Which issue did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas disagree during their debates?

It was the issue of slavery that Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas disagreed about during their political debates. Stephen A Douglas supported slavery while Abraham Lincoln opposed it.