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I believe it is art, my second guess would be music though

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Q: Which cultural element was common to all Greek city-states?
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Which cultural element was common to all Greek city states?

I believe it is art, my second guess would be music though

Which cultural element did Greek city-states share?

Government. Hope you make/made a 100 on the test!

Which cultural element did Greek city-states not share?

Government. Hope you make/made a 100 on the test!

How did the Trojan War make Greek culture?

The story of the war provided a common cultural heritage

What helped the Greeks feel a cultural identity?

The Greek felt a cultural identity with each other due to the common religion and language. They called themselves the Hellenes.

What are the Greek citystates names?

Athens (smart, sporty, perfect) Megara (all about money) Sparta (TOTAL SPORT FREAKS lol) Corinth (crafts) Argos (acting and drama)

What factors contributed to Greek cultural unity or panhellenism?

Greek religious festivals with competitions contributed to their cultural unity or panhellenism.

Which element name is moon in greek?

selenium is the element whose name is moon in Greek

What is the web address of the Greek Cultural Center in Astoria New York?

The web address of the Greek Cultural Center is:

What are the typical Greek citystates like?

Athens-Athletic, academic, perfect Corinth-Crafts, arts, etc Sparta-Sports Megara-Money, money, money Argos-Acting, drama, etc

What is the phone number of the Greek Cultural Center in Astoria New York?

The phone number of the Greek Cultural Center is: 718-726-7329.